Wednesday, September 24, 2008


1. I am babysitting for a friend a few mornings a week. She had a baby the end of June and had to go back to work part time. I wasn't sure that I even wanted to babysit. I've been babysitting on and off since Monte was little and this time around I just wanted to be home and enjoy Carter. But since it's just in the morning and not everyday I decided to try it. I wasn't sure how Carter would do either but he has done fabulous. There has been no jealousy issues at all and the only "problem" we have had is the amount of kisses he wants to give her.

2. I am still just working one night a week which is working out just fine thanks to the babysitting money, but between work, soccer, and basketball starting next week we have no nights free. This doesn't make me happy.

3. While driving past the library last week I realized Carter is old enough for toddler time. Yesterday was his first "class". He seemed to enjoy it.

4. Our washing machine took it's last breathe Sunday afternoon. There is nothing like opening up the washer to take out your clean clothes only to discover they are soaking wet and have NOT been washed. Our 10 year old washer was not worth the cost of a new motor so last night we went shopping for a new one. The one I wanted wouldn't be in for 2 weeks, and I thought about waiting, and hubby said he didn't care, of course since a laundry mat wasn't in his future, but the thought of a laundry mat for the next 2 weeks was enough for me to go with my second choice. Which will be delivered tomorrow.

5. The mosquitoes are TERRIBLE right now. I have like a billion from soccer practice Monday and they are driving me crazy. That will teach me to leave my bug spray at home.

6. A couple weeks ago I woke in the middle of the night and the first thought in my head was It's been 4 days since Carter has nursed! I guess we are weaning. He is weaning! I have some serious mixed emotions about it. I feel like he is ready, he is old enough, but he's my baby.