I had a "date" on Saturday. Not with my hubby, but with my middle son, Hunter. It was so nice to have that one on one time with him that is so hard to find when you have 3 kids.
This picture was taken 2 summers ago. Before I got pregnant with Carter, when Hunter was my "baby". It was hot, and we had just gotten out of the pool at my in-laws. My hubby snapped the picture, which is rare. I'm usually the one behind the camera.
Monte was invited to a birthday party at a movie theatre. He REALLY wanted to go of course but I don't know the parents well at all. So I took Hunter to see the movie too. I had no idea how structured this party was going to be and just dropping my 9 year old off at a movie theatre wasn't something I was comfortable doing. And Daddy got some one on one time with the baby.
The moment I walked in the door I knew I had made the right decision. These boys were running everywhere. There was no control over them. So I bought mine and Hunter's tickets and we played some air hockey. It was getting close to movie time and the mom seemed to have all the boys together, so on a leap of faith I left Monte in the lobby to go get our seats.
The theatre was packed. My first thought was there isn't enough seats for the whole party. We got our seats and I was sitting there. My mind running
. I NEED to know where Monte is. I can't just leave a 6 year old in the theatre alone. What do I do? A Manager walked in and I jumped at my chance. Telling Hunter "DO NOT MOVE" I got up and talked to the manager and usher. They had NO idea what I was talking about. So I told them, I HAVE to go find my son. But I knew if I took Hunter with we'd lose our seats. They promised to not let a soul talk to him and I went to find Monte.
The party was grouped together without a parent in sight. And all they knew was the movie they were supposed to see was sold out
. (Meet the Robinsons)
You mean they didn't buy tickets ahead of time!!! He
thought they were going to see Firehouse Dog which started 10 min later. So back to Hunter I go to make sure he's okay, then back out to check on Monte. He's not in the lobby anymore. I ask the girl taking tickets,
Did a big group of boys just go in this movie? They did. Okay. Relax. BREATHE. Watch the movie the Hunter.
To try to end this for you, when all said movies were over, the party went into the "party room" for pizza, cake, and presents. If I didn't have to go home to nurse the baby I wouldn't have left. When I got back the lobby was empty, except for 14 boys running around and 1 mother trying to keep her eye on all of them. CRAZY!
What really gets me though are all the parents that don't care. That I'm sure see me as this over protective mother that is always hovering. But I don't trust someone to watch my child the same way I watch him. And I know Monte would never just leave, but what if someone just took him? We have never left him at a baseball practice, and up until this year he had never been on a field trip without me.
There are 2 girls in his class that ride their bikes 1 mile down a narrow curvy road to our house to see if Monte is playing outside. I don't even let Monte off the street. What are parents thinking? Times were different when we were growing up. I just don't think you can be too safe.